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The missions of the Association

Officially created in February 1935, the AAPPMA l'Alette d'Ars sur Moselle welcomes
annually more than 400 fishermen who contribute, through the recognition of the quality and
of the diversity of the courses and the fish wealth, to the dynamism of the Association and to the
conviviality between fishermen.
The managers of the association and our fishing tackle retail partners will be
always available to clarify, depending on your fishing technique and over
of the seasons, the most appropriate sectors for the success of your fishing projects.
Our mission is to maintain and develop recreational fishing through active participation
the protection of the aquatic environment and fish by combating water pollution,
destruction of sensitive areas and poaching.
To carry out this mission, we undertake the following actions:
- Organize the surveillance, management and defense of our fishing lots and access to the
river, as part of national and departmental fish management actions
and protection of the aquatic environment,
- Intervene for the enhancement of fish life and information on the environment
- Develop education, for young and old, in the field of
protection of the environment, recreational fishing and the management of fish resources,
- Maintain, through reasoned stocking, fish populations to
that everyone can enjoy practicing their technique.
Our fishing routes and the fish that live there are our common wealth, let's share
the by a reasoned fishing and respectful of the balances and the environment,
Let us know about attacks on this wealth, report situations and behaviors
inappropriate that harm our leisure.

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